Aged and Disabled Waiver:

An Alternative to Institutional Care

Waiver 101: The Basics

The Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver program in Indiana provides supportive services to individuals to help them live successfully in the community as opposed to being institutionalized. In the past, Medicaid only paid for long-term care services for people who resided in an institutional setting, such as a group home or a nursing facility. The waiver program "waives" the requirement of institutionalization for Medicaid to pay for necessary home and community-based services, thus allowing a larger number of people to remain in the community. There are two different types of Waiver programs in Indiana: 1) waivers that are designated for people who have developmental disabilities and 2) waivers that are designated for people whose needs are primarily medical. Golden Apple specializes in waivers for individuals whose needs are primarily medical.

The Health and Wellness waiver provides minors and adults who are under the age of 60 who have a physical disability an alternative to nursing facility placement. The purpose of the Health and Wellness waiver is to provide services to supplement informal supports (family, friends, neighbors, etc.) and the Medicaid state plan for people who would otherwise require care in a nursing home. The Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) waiver provides home- and community-based services to individuals who have suffered trauma that caused damage to brain tissue. Waiver services are designed to help people remain in the community. Recipients of the Health and Wellness waiver and TBI waiver can receive services in their homes, in assisted living facilities, or in adult family care settings. To be eligible for the Health and Wellness waiver or TBI Waiver, the applicant must have Full Traditional Medicaid.